HEMPEL paints are used for any type of metal constructions, oil-terminals, bridges, ships, electric stations, special technique, pipelines, buildings, store houses, concrete floors, roofs, containers, pools, tanks of food or other importance, reservoirs and other objects to cover the external, as well internal surfaces.

HEMPEL paints, created with high production technologies, provide perfect protection of the painted surface for a long time.

Customers of HEMPEL paints are ports, construction companies, railway, electric systems and other companies, for which coloring the specific constructions is the industrial necessity with high quality paints.

Ltd “GTS Group” is the official and exclusive representative of HEMPEL in Georgia. Company provides delivery of HEMPEL paints all over Georgia under the exclusive terms in the shortest period.


Ltd “GTS Group” is the official and exclusive representative of GRACO in Georgia. Company provides delivery of painting and industrial construction-repairing apparatus of GRACO all over Georgia.

Company GRACO was founded in 1926. It is the leading company of the world in the industry of paint spraying apparatus. Company success is based on technical perfectness, world level production and incredible service.

Decorative Company “GTS Group” offers a wide range of façade and interior decorative paints; Paints for the oil terminals Company “GTS Group” offers a wide range of paints for oil terminals


თანამედროვე ქვიშა ჭავლური აპარატების და აქსესუარების მსოფლიო ბრენდი CONTRACOR უკვე საქართველოშია! GTS-GROUP მისი ოფიციალური სერტიფიცირებული წარმომადგენელია საქართველოში.